Do Space Blankets Keep Things Cold?

In this article, we will explore the topic of whether space blankets are effective in keeping things cold. Space blankets, also known as thermal blankets or emergency blankets, are commonly used to retain body heat in emergency situations. However, their ability to keep things cold is often a subject of debate. We will delve into the science behind these blankets, their insulation properties, and their potential applications in preserving and maintaining low temperatures. So, let’s embark on this chilly journey and discover whether space blankets are indeed the cool solution to keeping things cold.

Do Space Blankets Keep Things Cold?

Why space blankets are popular

Space blankets, also known as emergency blankets or Mylar blankets, have gained popularity due to their versatility and effectiveness in various situations. These blankets are made from a reflective material called Mylar, which was originally developed by NASA for use in space exploration. Today, they are widely used by outdoor enthusiasts, emergency responders, and even casual individuals who want to keep their perishable items cold.

The technology behind space blankets

The technology behind space blankets is quite fascinating. These blankets are made from a thin sheet of Mylar, which is a polyester film coated with a metallic layer, typically aluminum. The metallic coating on the Mylar reflects back the body heat, preventing it from escaping and keeping the person or object warm. This reflective property is the key to the effectiveness of space blankets.

Advantages of using space blankets

There are several advantages to using space blankets, which contribute to their popularity. Firstly, space blankets are lightweight and compact, making them easy to carry and store. This makes them a convenient choice for outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, or picnicking. Secondly, space blankets are waterproof, windproof, and can withstand harsh conditions, making them suitable for use in emergencies or extreme environments. Lastly, space blankets are affordable and readily available, making them accessible to a wide range of individuals.

Common applications of space blankets

Space blankets have a wide range of applications, both in emergency situations and everyday life. One common use is for body heat retention in survival situations. When faced with cold temperatures or hypothermia, wrapping yourself in a space blanket can help conserve body heat and prevent further heat loss. Space blankets can also be used to protect your car or outdoor equipment from extreme temperatures by creating a barrier between them and the outside environment. Additionally, they can be used to insulate makeshift shelters or tents, providing an extra layer of protection.

Do Space Blankets Keep Things Cold?

How do space blankets work?

To understand how space blankets work, it is important to understand the principles of heat transfer. Heat can be transferred through conduction, convection, and radiation. In the case of space blankets, the reflective properties of the Mylar material play a crucial role in preventing heat loss through radiation.

The metallic coating on the Mylar reflects back up to 90% of the radiant heat emitted by the body or object. This reflection prevents the heat from escaping into the surrounding environment, effectively trapping it within the blanket. This mechanism allows space blankets to retain body heat and keep the person or object warm in cold conditions.

Reflective properties of space blankets

The reflective properties of space blankets are a result of the metal coating on the Mylar material. The metal, typically aluminum, forms a highly reflective surface that bounces back the radiant heat. This reflective surface prevents the heat from being absorbed by the surroundings, thus minimizing heat loss. The effectiveness of the space blanket in reflecting heat back depends on the quality and thickness of the metallic coating.

Do Space Blankets Keep Things Cold?

Insulating abilities of space blankets

In addition to their reflective properties, space blankets also provide insulation by creating a barrier between the person or object and the outside environment. This barrier reduces heat transfer through conduction and convection. The thin, yet durable, Mylar material acts as a buffer, preventing cold air from reaching the body or object, and maintaining a warm temperature inside. The insulating abilities of space blankets make them effective in keeping things cold as well.

Keeping things cold with space blankets

While space blankets are commonly associated with keeping things warm, they can also be used to keep things cold. Here are some ways in which space blankets can be utilized for cooling purposes.

Space blankets as coolers

Space blankets can be transformed into makeshift coolers by utilizing their reflective and insulating properties. By wrapping perishable items or chilled beverages in a space blanket, you can minimize heat transfer and maintain their cool temperature for a longer period. This can be particularly useful during outdoor activities or when access to traditional coolers is limited.

Insulating perishable items

When transporting perishable items such as groceries or medications that require a specific temperature range, space blankets can provide an additional layer of insulation. Wrapping the items in a space blanket helps to regulate the temperature inside the package, reducing the risk of spoilage or damage due to temperature fluctuations.

Preserving chilled beverages

Want to keep your drinks cold at a picnic or outdoor event? Space blankets can come to the rescue. By tightly wrapping your chilled beverages in a space blanket, you can create a barrier that prevents heat from entering and cold air from escaping. This helps to maintain the desired temperature for a longer duration, ensuring refreshing drinks throughout your outing.

Do Space Blankets Keep Things Cold?

Factors affecting the effectiveness of space blankets in keeping things cold

While space blankets can be effective in keeping things cold, several factors can influence their efficiency. It is important to consider these factors to maximize the cooling effects of space blankets.

Ambient temperature and humidity

The ambient temperature and humidity play a significant role in the cooling efficiency of space blankets. In hot and humid environments, the cooling effects may be limited as the space blanket struggles to reflect heat and maintain a lower temperature. On the other hand, in cooler and drier conditions, space blankets can work more effectively in keeping things cold.

Size and thickness of the space blanket

The size and thickness of the space blanket can also impact its cooling capabilities. A larger space blanket allows for better coverage and insulation of the desired item. Additionally, a thicker space blanket can provide increased insulation and better heat reflection, resulting in improved cooling effects.

Quality of the seal or insulation

The effectiveness of space blankets in keeping things cold can also depend on the quality of the seal or insulation. Properly sealing the wrapped items minimizes heat infiltration from the surroundings. Any gaps or openings in the seal can compromise the cooling efficiency. Furthermore, using additional insulating materials such as foam or bubble wrap in conjunction with space blankets can enhance the cooling effects.

Tips for using space blankets to keep things cold

To make the most out of space blankets for keeping things cold, here are some tips to follow:

Properly wrapping and sealing items

Ensure that the items you want to keep cold are tightly wrapped in the space blanket. Use tape or adhesive to secure the wrapping and create a seal that minimizes heat transfer. Pay special attention to corners and edges to prevent any gaps that may compromise the cooling effects.

Using multiple layers of space blankets

For optimal cooling, consider using multiple layers of space blankets. Adding additional layers increases the insulation and reflective properties, resulting in better temperature retention. However, be mindful of the size and bulkiness of the wrapped items, as excessive layers can make them difficult to handle or store.

Using additional insulating materials

To further enhance the cooling effects of space blankets, you can incorporate additional insulating materials into the packaging. Bubble wrap, foam insulation, or even towels can be used to create an extra layer of insulation. These materials will work in conjunction with space blankets to minimize heat transfer and better maintain the desired temperature.

Do Space Blankets Keep Things Cold?

Comparing space blankets to other cooling methods

Space blankets offer a unique and versatile cooling solution, but how do they stack up against other cooling methods? Let’s compare space blankets to traditional coolers, ice packs, and thermoelectric coolers.

Space blankets vs traditional coolers

Traditional coolers are commonly used to keep items cold. They rely on insulation, such as foam or plastic, and ice or cold packs to maintain a low temperature. While coolers offer larger storage capacity and longer cooling duration, they can be bulky, heavy, and require a constant supply of ice or cold packs. In contrast, space blankets are lightweight, portable, and do not rely on the presence of ice. However, space blankets may provide shorter cooling durations and have limited storage capacity compared to traditional coolers.

Space blankets vs ice packs

Ice packs are commonly used to keep items cold and are often included in lunch boxes or coolers. Ice packs work by absorbing heat from the surrounding environment, keeping the temperature low. While ice packs can provide consistent cooling, they may eventually melt and require replacement. Space blankets, on the other hand, do not rely on melting ice. Instead, they reflect heat and provide insulation, allowing for a longer cooling duration without the need for ice replenishment. Space blankets may be a more convenient option for situations where ice packs are not readily available.

Space blankets vs thermoelectric coolers

Thermoelectric coolers utilize a cooling mechanism powered by electricity or a power source, such as a car battery. These coolers can provide continuous cooling and are often used for longer trips or outdoor events. While thermoelectric coolers offer reliable and adjustable cooling, they require a power source, adding complexity and limiting their portability. Space blankets, on the other hand, do not require electricity and are lightweight, making them a more practical choice for short trips or situations where power is not readily available.

Space blankets in extreme cold environments

While space blankets are highly effective in keeping things warm, their effectiveness in extreme cold environments is worth considering.

Effectiveness in subzero temperatures

In subzero temperatures, space blankets can provide some insulation and prevent heat loss. However, their effectiveness may be limited compared to specialized cold-weather gear such as down jackets or thermal sleeping bags. It is crucial to layer space blankets with appropriate cold-weather clothing and insulation to maximize their effects in extreme cold.

Preventing frostbite or freezing

Space blankets can help prevent frostbite or freezing by retaining body heat and creating a barrier against the cold. However, they should not be solely relied upon in extreme cold conditions. It is important to prioritize proper cold-weather clothing, adequate shelter, and other precautionary measures to minimize the risk of frostbite or freezing.

Pros and cons in extreme cold

While space blankets can offer some benefits in extreme cold, there are also limitations to consider. Pros include their lightweight and portable nature, which can be advantageous when weight and bulkiness are concerns. Additionally, space blankets can provide emergency insulation in unexpected cold situations. However, cons include their relatively limited effectiveness compared to specialized cold-weather gear, and the need for additional layers or insulation to combat extreme cold.

Do space blankets have limitations in keeping things cold?

While space blankets can effectively keep things cold, they do have some limitations that should be considered.

Duration of cooling effects

The duration of cooling effects provided by space blankets may vary depending on various factors such as ambient temperature, insulation, and the initial temperature of the items being cooled. In hot environments or with insufficient insulation, the cooling effects may be shorter-lived. It is important to monitor the temperature of the items being cooled and make necessary adjustments or replenishments as needed.

Effectiveness in hot environments

Space blankets are primarily designed for insulation and reflection of heat, which makes them more suitable for cold or moderate temperatures. In hot environments, the reflective properties of space blankets may struggle to prevent heat absorption, limiting their effectiveness in keeping things cool. Other cooling methods, such as coolers with ice or thermoelectric coolers, may be more appropriate for prolonged cooling in hot environments.

Weight and portability considerations

While space blankets are lightweight and portable compared to traditional coolers or thermoelectric coolers, they do have limitations in terms of storage capacity and durability. If you need to cool a large number of items or require long-term cooling, a larger and more robust cooling system may be necessary. Space blankets can be a helpful addition to these systems, but they may not be the sole solution for all cooling needs.

Choosing the right space blanket for cooling purposes

When choosing a space blanket specifically for cooling purposes, it is important to consider several factors to ensure optimal performance.

Different types of space blankets available

There are various types of space blankets available on the market, each with its own unique features and specifications. Some space blankets are designed specifically for insulation and heat reflection, while others may have additional properties such as waterproofing or enhanced durability. Consider your specific cooling needs and choose a space blanket that aligns with those requirements.

Considerations for size and thickness

The size and thickness of the space blanket can impact its insulating and cooling capabilities. A larger space blanket provides better coverage and allows for wrapping larger items. Thicker space blankets may offer increased insulation and better heat reflection. Consider the size and thickness based on the items you intend to cool and the specific cooling duration required.

Special features for cooling functionality

Some space blankets come with additional features that enhance their cooling functionality. For example, there are space blankets with built-in pockets for ice packs or compartments for organizing different items. These additional features can provide added convenience and customization for your cooling needs.


Space blankets are popular for good reason – their versatility, effectiveness, and affordability make them a valuable tool in various situations. From keeping individuals warm in survival scenarios to preserving the coolness of perishable items, space blankets offer a lightweight and portable solution. While they may not be comparable to specialized cooling systems in extreme conditions or prolonged cooling needs, space blankets can certainly provide a practical and efficient cooling option in many everyday situations. Consider the factors discussed when using space blankets to keep things cold, and choose the appropriate blanket that suits your specific needs. With proper usage and considerations, space blankets can be a valuable addition to your cooling arsenal.

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